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» » » » » » » Mt. Baru Jari Volcanic Activity Still High: BNPB
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Mount Barujari

Volcanic activity of Mount Baru Jari, Mount Rinjani’s caldera, in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, is still quite high.

Visual information and seismic data from the Mount Rinjani Observation Post showed that Mount Baru Jari still sprayed white thick ash measuring 1,000 – 1,500 meters.

In the meantime, spread of thin volcanic ashes on Saturday (7/11) at 11 am Central Indonesian Time was still dominant in the southern part and the southwest of the mountain. However, the spread of ashes is smaller than that in the previous days.

Ngurah Rai in Denpasar, Bali and Banyuwangi airport are still free from the ashes.

“The potential of eruption is still quite high. Mount Rinjani is still at Level 2,’’ said Head of Information Data Center and Public Affairs of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

Sutopo also said that as of now, it is not necessary yet to evacuate the residents.

However, residents living near Rinjani and visitors are not allowed to do any activities within the radius of 3 kilometer from the slope of Baru Jari.

Furthermore, to anticipate the impacts of the eruption, Regional Disaster Mitigaiton Agency (BPBD) has already set up evacuation tents in nine locations.

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